谭杰芳,董 可,胡 琪,肖 夏,肖 虹,李 丽*
中图分类号:TS252.53 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-506X(2025)01-0088-0008
Development of Processed Cheese Product Added with Tofu and Optimization of Its Process Using Response Surface Methodology
TAN Jiefang,DONG Ke,HU Qi,XIAO Xia,XIAO Hong,LI Li*
(College of Biotechnology and Engineering,Sichuan University of Science and Engineering,Yibin 644000,China)
Abstract: The development of the cheese consumption market in our country is rapid, with huge potential, and the demand for diversified products is also increasing. Adding tofu during the first rapid heating stage after whey drainage in cheese processing, then adding carrageenan and emulsifying salts, stirring to obtain tofu remade cheese, the effects of improving texture and reducing off-flavors were achieved. The texture, color, and sensory quality of the product were evaluated through instrumental testing and sensory analysis. Through single factor experiments, the process of forming tofu-remade cheese was optimized using response surface methodology: tofu proportion of 39%, carrageenan addition of 0.5% , stirring time of 6 min, and heating temperature of 85 ℃. The product produced under this process has sensory scores of 85, completely eliminates the beany flavor and has good sensory quality.
Keywords:cheese;texture evaluation;process optimization;response surface